The Level Up Project:
EEC Teacher Apprenticeship Program
Cohort 5 Waitlist Now Open:
Submit your name today.

-Eliana Levin poses with State Auditor Diana DiZoglio and G3 President, Marlén Rodriguez Wolfe, as she graduates from The Level Up Project.
​Eliana Levin: Cohort 1 Graduate
“The first cohort of the Level Up project includes people from different backgrounds and experiences. Regardless of our differences, we all shared one true desire - to offer our hearts, minds and hands to young children..This project united us and allowed us to create a community where people who think alike could come together. In this community, we explored our career choices, asked questions, and found a deeper understanding of how to teach and care for children.
When we started the course, we thought that our time would be taken by instructions, lectures, tests and homework. Instead, to our surprise, we spent a big portion of our class time reflecting on who we are as people; what do we care deeply about and how to achieve our own goals in life. Very soon the message became clear: to raise children, we, adults, need to know how to raise ourselves; Developing professionally is closely linked with our own personal growth journey.
Being part of the project helped me strengthen my sense of confidence and joy when I am in the classroom with my students. I know that I come to work not to teach children, but instead to be with the children, to authentically share our lives and to nurture every child and my own sense of self and belonging.
Level Up helped me to embrace this idea. It is an honor to be part of the first cohort.” — Eliana Levin

Learning Stipend
The project will provide 100 hours of academic coursework, on-the-job coaching and social services coaching to individuals that meet the inclusion criteria.
Individuals will be paid a stipend for their 100 hours of academic classroom time, to be disbursed at the end of their training period.

Free Laptop & Internet
Thanks to our partners Tech Goes Home, all participants receive a free Chromebook laptop and information about how to access a year's worth of free internet at home.

What Teachers Are Saying About The Level Up Project

​Ben Manchel
Temple Beth Shalom in Needham, MA
I love working with young children and knew I needed to expand my knowledge and gain certification to continue in this career. When TBS offered me the chance to participate in The Level Up Project, I hopped on this opportunity right away.
The Level Up project provides the tools I need to become an effective early childhood educator. For example, one thing I have wanted to work on is being confident in my communication with parents. In our classes through Level Up, we have been taught strategies and had the chance to practice handling these interactions through role-playing.
Hearing from other teachers in my center as well as from other schools, has helped me learn more about the kind of teacher that I would like to be. Being able to have this shared experience with colleagues from TBS is making the program even more valuable and confirming that this is the right path for me.